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Senaru Coffee Plantation, See Different Views Of Tiu Kelep Waterfall From Part of Rinjani Trail Route

Senaru Coffee Plantation, See Different Views Of Tiu Kelep Waterfall From Part of Rinjani Trail Route

Kebun Kopi
Indonesia is known to have many coffee plantations spread across various regions. One of them is the Senaru Coffee Plantation in Lombok.

Senaru village is located at the bottom of Mount Rinjani, and most of tourist begin their trekking to Rinjani through this village.

The Senaru Coffee Garden is one of the coffee tourist spots that is sought after by tourists, both local and foreign. Most of the coffee grown here is robusta coffee.

If you look at the photos scattered on Instagram, the Senaru Coffee Garden does provide a beautiful photo spot from a height.

There, tourists can enjoy the cool air in the coffee plantation while sipping coffee and looking at the green natural panorama around them.

The advantages of the Senaru Coffee Plantation are not only that. From here, tourists can also see the two famous waterfalls in Lombok which are at the foot of Mount Rinjani.

The names are Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep waterfalls. Tiu Kelep waterfall is at a higher level, while Sendang Gile is at the bottom.

If you visit the Senaru Coffee Plantation, the two beautiful waterfalls will be visible from a height and seem to cut through the existing green trees.

The Senaru Coffee Garden itself can be reached via the Rinjani climbing route which passes through Senaru. Even so, travelers don't need to worry because the existing route is not that difficult.

Apart from that, travelers are also free of charge to enter this place. You only need to pay IDR 5,000 to park your motorbike.

So, are coffee lovers interested in trying out a trip to this coffee plantation?

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